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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

And thank you for a house full of people I love.


My baby has his own sass in eating.  I walked into his room and he was like this ;).

This kid loves his dog, or loves to traumatize his dog, I spend most of the day telling one to not lick the other and the other not to pinch or pull the other ones tail. 

Park Day

Royce came over to play with Ty and they loved the swings ;)  Royce wanted to be in the baby swing.

My baby loves the outdoors like me! ;)

And he loved the fluffy grass.

  I used to think Mothers day was just another Hallmark holiday.  But this year it was so special, it had so much meaning and I loved every second of it.   I snuggled in and took a nap with my little baby boy.  It couldn't have been more perfect and I just loved it.  Later that evening we had a Martinez family kickball game, it was a friggen riot!!!  Some of us left with bruised knees and some of us limping, but none the less it was fun. 

  And we owe so much to this wonderful woman who raised us.  My mother is my hero. My mother is beautiful, confident, brave, giving, and above all loves her children and grandchildren endlessly.  My mother is strong and full of faith.  On this mother's day, I thank God for blessing me with such a wonderful mother.  Thank you mama for always being there, for always pushing me to be more,  for making me a better person, for giving us tradition, and teaching us to be better women like you! We all look up to you, we love you.  Feliz dia de las madres, a mi madrecita querida!!!  Te quiero mucho!

The house does not rest upon a ground, but upon a woman. -Mexican Proverb  

I love these two so very much!

 More kickball pics ;)

I think this was the most brutal part, ''the draft''.

And he pulled a hamstring

Family is everything. Amen.



  1. What a wonderful family! I looks like you had so much fun. Happy Mothers Day, Dina! Your little man is so blessed to have you!

  2. From Tia Martha:Love Tyce's pics as always, I remember Sierra folding her knee over like that when she was about a year old, the must b related. Hey sis, loved what you wrote about MOM. It was a fun eventful day...hopefully we can do it monthly....kickball is a blast....but I don't want to be drafted, I just want to be a u sis, a ton.

  3. Happy 1st Mothers Day Dina!! Tyce is so lucky to have such a wonderful mommy and family! That pic of him drinking his bottle is hilarious! What a relaxed little man! The swing is Mais's fave!

  4. I am so glad you had such a wonderful mother's day! Tyce, you are so stinking cute holding you bottle. You will give Gabriel a run for his money with all of the hoties running around! Love you guys! -The Purdy Family

  5. two things:
    1. those pictures of tyce are adorable!
    2. is your family really big enough to make two teams for kickball??

  6. Jess thanks, and yes we do compile two whole teams of kickball and they are all my immediate family, I have five older sisters and they are all married with kids, my oldes nephew is almost 21, and we all played.

    :) See you Tuesday and dont judge me by my animal pick.
