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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Big Brother!

  We announced a couple weeks ago that we are adding another addition to our family.  Baby Matchinsky will be arriving in late May of 2012!!!  We couldn't be more excited.  Yes it is a busy time in our lives, but we thought this would be a great time to grow, especially when Ty is little, we wanted him to grow up close in age with a sibling.  TJ and my closest sibling are 6 and 7 years apart, we wanted our babies a little closer, ok, well we got a lot closer. And, two years apart they will be :).  To be honest, baby number two is due the day before Ty's second birthday, oh dear, we are cutting it close :).  But I am so excited, I love being pregnant, I love the thought of of us having more babies!  Now, for the question some might ask, are we worried about DS again?  I would lie if I said I wasn't, I would lie if I said it's no big deal, we did it once we can do it again.  I was scared, I was scared when we were told about Ty's diagnoses, I was scared for a long while, sometimes I still am.  I am a need to know type of person!  And I just wanted to know, I wanted to know to be prepared, I need facts, I need time.  TJ and I contemplated for a long time about testing.  We prayed and prayed and I truly feel God gave me peace with our decision.  I was told due to my age it was highly unlikely, I didn't care, I wanted to pursue some options.  TJ once again was wonderful and supportive and did I mention wonderful.  He knew my mind would be more at ease if we tested.  We knew the risks, we talked to genetic counselors, we were again reinforced that Tyce has T21 and after an hour with the genetic counselor we were told that there is no family history of DS that it was just something that happened, that the chances of it happening again were less then 1 percent.  With all that said, our odd's with Tyce were even less, and I still wanted to know.  Call it what you want, I am comfortable with our decision.  We decided to do CVS testing.  We knew the risk and I was once again, scared out of my mind, I was scared for this bean inside of me. But, again, my faith, my God knows me too well, and he knew that my mind would rest easiest if we just knew.  Two weeks later the results came in and Baby BOY number two does not have T21.  Yes, Tyce is going to have a BROTHER, and did I mention they are two years apart to the day, hello? I will not have to buy baby number two much clothes, yes! ha.  To be honest, I don't know if I would do the CVS again, I don't know if I recommend it, the doctor said things for us went text book in the procedure, I felt I was so unalone, I felt God was totally in that room with me!  I feel at peace with everything.  More then anything, I am excited, to be a mommy again! (CVS testing for those who don't know is Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) is a prenatal test that detects chromosomal abnormalities such as Down syndrome, as well as a host of other genetic disorders. The doctor takes cells from tiny fingerlike projections on the placenta called the chorionic villi and sends them to a lab for genetic analysis.)   Baby two does not show any chromosomal abnormalities and I believe this testing is around 99 percent accurate.  We did the quad screen testing with Tyce, but obviously that was not accurate as we were told Tyce's chances of having a chromosomal abnormality  were 1 in 10, 000, another reason we opted for the more invasive testing. 

      Doesn't he look like he will be a great big brother!?

  Our family is growing, our house is for sale, it's looking like we might have a buyer, any prayers and good vibes are welcomed!  We need to move out of this house for a few reasons.  Biggest reason is the main floor only has two bedrooms and well in Ty's room two cribs will not fit.  Secondly, Bo needs a yard to run in and three, we are out growing this house!  Hopefully we will be out of here by next month.   

  Tyce has been flourishing in the signing department.  We teach him a sign and he catches right on.  His latest is 'Book', everything is 'book, please', 'more, book' and flat out 'book'!  I got my little scholar!!!  I would say he prefers a book over a ball, but I really think that is a toss up :/.  He has also been signing, 'milk', 'eat' and 'all done', those are the newest. We definitely work on talking with him, he likes to mimic sounds and actions, but he can't get words out so much.  He says dad, bo and papa clear as day.  I know he should have a few more words under his belt, but to be honest I am totally proud of were we are communication wise with him.  We totally understand what he wants at this point in time, and I feel good about that.  
   His newest funny thing is to blow at fans and  fireplaces, as if he is going to cause some major change with that that little amount of air that comes out of that body!  He points and tries to blow as hard as he can.  
  Tyce has been getting really sick this fall/early winter.  I think it has a lot to do with his going to therapy group.  And well it is to be expected for him to get sick, especially when he is around other little kids, but it breaks my heart to see him so stuffy so often.  This is his second sinus infection in two months.  I like the group therapy and I don't like the group therapy.  I like to socialization he gets, but I also don't like the lack of one on one time he gets, not to mention him coming home sick at the end of each week, but I guess I can't stop that from happening, better now then later.  With the move, the option for group therapy will no longer be there, so I'm sure it will all work out.  

He's about to sign book ;)

That is our life, these are our updates, we hope you all had a wonderful thanksgiving!  


  1. FROM TIA MARTHA: GREAT updates, he is growing and is so smart!!!! Congratulations on the next Matchinsky boy to fill your family! Blessings!!!!

  2. So excited!!! Can't wait to watch your Thing 1 and Thing 2 grow up with my Thing 1 and Thing 2! They will all take over the world together!!!! Love ya! So excited for you Tyce! You are in for a big treat!

  3. Aric and I are so happy for you ! Many blessings your way!!!

  4. SO excited for you... and praying for you as you make the big move and prepare for more changes in your lives!

  5. So happy to hear this great news!! You are all always in my prayers and I know God has great thing planned for all of you!! Know that you are thought of often! :)

  6. Great to hear and am so happy for the 3 of you!! Congratulations!!!!!God is so.... good!!!

  7. Yeah! Congratulations! That is so exciting, and Tyce does look like he's going to make a GREAT Big Brother! :)
