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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Little Roar-y out.

My husband is the biggest lions fan this side of Michigan.  He anticipated the first game of the pre-season more then, well most things :).  He got Ty all suited up and then Ty crashed as TJ later found out the game wouldn't air until 11pm.

Note the Honolulu blue and silver clothing with Lions Onesie. Tyce has a Lions once from size birth to age 10, ready.  TJ even wanted to paint his room HONOLULU Blue and Silver, yep not kidding. :)

Teething has been no fun lately.  He has been drooling like crazy and fussy.

* Note the drool :(.  Oh and he loves this leap frog phonetic sound toy that goes on our dishwasher with a bunch of letters.  You put in a letter and it makes a sound. Whenever I am in the kitchen he follows me and plays with this toy and it is teaching him to make new sounds, he loves it.  His friends Gabe and Bell s gave this to him, thanks guys :).  P says Puhh...   every letter makes a sound and p says puhh... :)  And then he tries to do it, too cute.  

And he loves chasing his dog Bo.  

Kiddo pulls up on anything he can get those little hands on, he is starting to let go a little and stand,  but then gets scared and does this little plop below.

Our PT says this isn't the proper way to go down, but we can't get him out of it.  He needs to bend those little legs down. So far the plop and drop works for him :).

Gross dog toy :/.  He plays this game with that ball, where he throws it and chases it.  This game can last for half an hour and he get's such a kick out of it.  Kiddo has lots of energy and is always on the go.  

I have now gone back to working day hours and today was my second day.  He seems to be doing really good and gets to spend the day with his cousin and watch him do fun things all day.  His cousin is about a year older then him and I hear Ty loves to just watch and do what he does.  I love that he get's to play with someone else all day, it makes me feel like he will be ok with out me, even if I'm not ok without him :(.   No, but my job is going super well, I actually love it and I am working with my friends and people I absolutely admire, doing the work I love. It is so good, you know when you are suppose to be where you are suppose to be, great feeling!  Tonight I once again got to read to him, bath him and cuddle him for a few hours. I thoroughly soaked up the few hours with him and made the best of it, I felt I was a good momma, regardless of not being with him all day anymore.  Even better things are commin.  I know I will be still and know that God has this all figured out.  

Ty is starting some private PT  next week.  He had an evaluation done by a local child therapy group and so far he doesn't need the speech or OT, and will only need it if she notices he needs the (EXTRA) OT and ST help, then she will refer us for those extra therapies.  He will get OT, PT and ST through Early On, but we thought we would try some more intensive PTfor him, and so far so good.  Fun news for him, he gets some more attention and someone else to force him to bend those legs down correctly :).  


  1. Awww...great pics dina. You are a great mom, the best part is sharing the quality time you have together, don't ever forget that. You know how to make the best of the time you have together and that is what counts!!! Love you, xoxoxo to my little cute handsome nephew! -tia martha

  2. Great pics! I understand that the knee-bending is healthier and better for him, but that little butt-plop looks so cute :)

  3. Don't ever second guess what an amazing mother you are. :) So glad to have you back at the Center. Love getting to see you every day and hear about Tyce's morning fiasco's. xoxo
