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Thursday, January 13, 2011

Treated to his Remixe's

    Video of Tyce for a little surprise that is to come later this week, I'm excited to see what is to come of it.

  Tyce had to get his kidneys re-checked.  He was diagnosed with hydronophrosis (sp?) in his kidney's in utero.  Basically what that means is that his kidney's were retaining some fluid, when it all should have been released.  He was checked at three days old, then at one month and now at seven months.  The results were good!  One kidney is in the normal range and the other is a grade 2, 4 being the highest and zero being the ''normal''.  So overall it was a good result day.
He is so not a morning person, just like his mama.

Playing in the waiting room at the new DeVos Childrens Hospital

  We are thankful as we too know God will not leave us on this journey!  Being a mama is a little different then I imagined, oh I laugh because I didn't know how much you could love, I didn't realize how much my mom really loves me, until I became a mom.  I mean, I knew I would love him a lot, but really, I didn't know I could love someone this much it is like literally walking with your heart outside of you body!

  “Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.” Elizabeth Stone 

 (Thanks Brooke for the great quote).  

   I know my personal journey into motherhood was initially very different then I expected. But I am so to the point where he has Down syndrome so what!  I read, I research, I try to educate myself as best as possible all for him, so that he can benefit. ( I should probably add that I stalked a few moms thru facebook across the country, most total strangers, now like sistas).  So, if I am ever down or sad it's because I want him to be healthy, to have the best care possible and I want him to have so many opportunities, I want him to be BIG. And I want that for all our kids, I am sure all moms want that!  Yes, there are some days that might get my spirits down, but the good, his smile, his laugh even his super fake smile totally outweigh the sucky days. He outweighs any sucky day in this mom's heart! 

 I got asked if I get sad, and Im sure I might if I try, I have to try really hard.  I was not built to be sad because of his DS, I do not have it in me, I was not wired that way.  I don't know if not being sad is normal, I don't know if I am supposed to mourn the loss of the child I thought I was having.  I can't help but when people say that I go insane, because that drives me nuts!  He is the baby I wanted!  I wanted mine and TJ's baby and Im pretty sure that is what he is.  Maybe, I mourned for a month or so but really, how can I?  Again, that is not me, i'm just not that way.  ( I just had to add that because when this sad stuff ever comes up I just want to drop kick the person).  Maybe I should drop kick myself for ever time I cried a tear over his diagnoses. 

  Lately he charms Tj and I with his piano playing remixes, just when we think he is all DJ'd out he continues on with his turn tables, it really is a riot and the best treat to start our days! Nothing like hearing ''one.. two...three.. four... five... join with me and count to ten, count to ten... ''A Bazillion times and a bazillion times over it makes him smile.  By the way I need new Ideas for musical toys because this song can really get annoying. hah  

 Here is to the best seven months of my life thus far!

He really sleeps this way! Ouch

This is the infamous music table.

7 Months (already)

  And to more love, remixes, and smiles!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Oops I did not mean to remove that comment. Sorry :(

  3. If someone would write a story or a book and they tell you to read it, and you do but when you take something out of what you read, that is when you know that you have made a change in someone's life. Dina keep making a change in our lives. For what you feel what you go through is extremely knowledge to those that will encounter this journey.
    God Bless you
